Ming Sun, Memories, & Modern Media: Veterans Day 2011, Part 2

Grinnell, IA: Train:

While searching for information about Ming Sun and his life, I naturally found quite a few memorials. Veterans Day isn’t really about remembering once a year, but about not forgetting; it is less about war than about peace and valuing the contributions of those who serve to protect and preserve the peace.

“To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…”
Woodrow Wilson as quoted in the History of Veterans Day

To carry the spirit of Veterans Day throughout the year, I’d like to here share just a few of the memorials and veterans support resources that came up in my search.


Remember & Support Remember & Support
Remember & Support Remember & Support

1000 Memories: World War II
& App

California’s War Dead: http://projects.latimes.com/wardead/

Faces of the Fallen: http://apps.washingtonpost.com/national/fallen/

Honor the Fallen: http://www.militarytimes.com/valor/

Iraq War Heroes: http://www.iraqwarheroes.com

Library of Congress: Veterans History Project: http://www.loc.gov/vets/


Remember & Support Remember & Support: #UMVets
Remember & Support: #TIMESvet Remember & Support: #VeteransDay

One of the most extraordinary memorials was a live one on Twitter, in which the Canadian fallen soldiers were remembered by having the names sent as Twitter posts throughout the day, in a project called We Are the Dead.

We Are the Dead: https://twitter.com/#!/WeAreTheDead
About the project:
A Twitter Memorial to Canada’s War Dead: http://blogs.ottawacitizen.com/2011/11/09/a-twitter-memorial-to-canadas-war-dead/
With data from the Canadian Virtual War Memorial (CCVM): http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/collections/virtualmem

Of course, both Canadians and the Americans were tweeting all day about Veterans Day.

Twitter: Veterans Day: https://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23veteransday

Here at the University of Michigan, we had a rich full day of events to honor, highlight, promote and support veterans. This included current students who have returned from the Middle East and Afghanistan, alumni who fought in World War II and went to UM on the GI Bill, Viet Nam vets, informational sessions, and wonderful presentation by Brigadier General Carol Ann Fausone. I couldn’t make it to most of the events, but did manage to livetweet the WWII panel, which resulted in the most retweets I’ve seen in ages. People loved the stories and thoughts of the panelists.

Twitter: #UMVets: https://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23umvets

Perhaps the biggest event for veterans on Twitter came from the TIMES magazine Twitter chat.

Twitter: TIMEvets: https://twitter.com/#!/search/%23timevets
About the event and Selected Transcript


Remember & Support Remember & Support Remember & Support

Many (but not all) of the resources were from veterans in support of other veterans. This makes perfect sense to me. I ride the bus that goes to and from our local Veterans Administration Hospital, and no matter what time of day I am on the bus there will be healthy veterans on their way to or from going to help and provide support for veterans who don’t leave the hospital. There are so many resources out there, I am only going to touch on those that made it into my stream on Friday itself.

Facebook: Services for the Underserved: https://www.facebook.com/ServicesfortheUnderServed?sk=wall

Google for Veterans: http://www.googleforveterans.com/

Vets Helping Vets: http://myveteran.org/

Wounded Warrior Project: http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/

YouTube: Veterans Channel: http://www.youtube.com/veterans

Remember & Support: Veterans Virtual Career Fair Remember & Support Remember & Support: Hiring Our Heroes

One of the big topics of the day was Obama’s announcement of hiring initiatives to support returning veterans. Many of the resources mentioned were in support of that initiative.

Hiring Our Heroes: http://www.military.com/hiringourheroes/

Spike: Hire a Vet: http://www.spike.com/shows/hire-a-vet

Veterans Virtual Career Fair: http://www.veteransvirtualcareerfair.com/


I already mentioned that some of the memorials included apps, just as was true for the 9/11 commemorations. Here are just a few apps related to this topic.

iTunes: Benefits for Veterans Dependents: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/benefits-for-veterans-dependents/id454277979?mt=8

iTunes: iVeteran (benefits): http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/iveteran/id405281263?mt=8

iTunes: Veterans Matter (Canada): http://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/veterans-matter/id474546091?mt=8

iTunes: PTSD Coach: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ptsd-coach/id430646302?mt=8


Apps for Veterans and Remembrance Day: http://www.tuaw.com/2011/11/11/apps-for-veterans-and-remembrance-day/

One response to “Ming Sun, Memories, & Modern Media: Veterans Day 2011, Part 2

  1. Adding to the story, they are trying to fund a memorial event for Ming Sun. This is reposted from Facebook with permission:
    “OK, everyone, if you look to the left of the page we now have a donation button, and if you press on it, it will take you to paypal. When you get to the screen you will be able to make any amount donation you would like. Again, this is not only for our friend Ming Sun, but for the other three Marines that gave their life around our valley, and all those that have given their life for the sacrifice of our country. Now it depends on us to start this and get the ball rolling. Again this event will consist of speakers, an an art exhibit with local artists that will then auction off their art for a charity – The Wounded Warrior Project. Once we do this, we will have USO, VFW, AmVets, and Salvation Army co-sponsor this event. Thank God, more will follow. We have to have the permit three months early, and it costs around $550 dollars. Then we have set up, the cost of an artist from the Bay area. I would also like to fly in a member of Ming’s squad that was with him when he was KIA, because I know we have some of them on this page. Also, any other city fees we might run into. I will post a link to the page of a city official, so we will make it official to clear up any uncertainty. If there are any questions, my name is Darin Jahries, email jahries_darin -at- yahoo.com. Questions or concerns? Email me. Let’s do this, and we will. I’m a Marine. We say, “Semper fi”, always faithful. Let’s be faithful in our gratitude to our veterans. This is for them. Thank you.”


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