Day in the Life of an Emerging Technologies Librarian 2012 – #libday8


6:00am. Roust the kid out of bed. Make coffee to pack in thermos. Check meeting schedule. Jeans day. Check online survey that’s partly filled in. Nope, next section too hard for now. Save it.
Check power levels on devices. Laptop at 40%, iPhone 100%, iPad 4%, kindle 15%. Grab Kindle charger, sling it into my jacket pocket before heading to the office. The rest of the chargers are already in my computer bag.

I’m late. It’s 7:30. Take notes for a poem while waiting for the bus, email them from phone to a friend.

Logging into email, Google pops up their new privacy policy. I’m working on a blogpost about it, so click through, grab it, copy, paste into email, and send myself a copy.

Smile and wave at folks I know on the bus, but I’m sucked into email now. Cubemate sent an email about the Elsevier boycott. I’m working on a blogpost about that, too. I grab the URL and post it to Twitter, then converse with Nigel who retweets it.

Email from my first morning meeting asks how my library will promote student app contest. We’ve already sent email to departments, and tweeted, so now targeted email to specific faculty, classes, and then blogging it in the library’s blog.

In Twitter had missed two private messages, one to participate in a Twitter chat on dying with dignity, #DWDchat at 3pm PST (6pm EST), another prompting me to participate in a Google Hangout for planning our upcoming conference presentation. I’ll be presenting remotely via Google Hangout.

At the bus depot. Couple minutes to read on the Kindle before I reach the office. Finish 2 chapters of something lighthearted.

8:30am. Plug in iPad and Kindle, pray for a decent charge before my 9am meeting across the street. Check in on Foursquare, including a promo for the library’s new exhibit, which is also pinged to Twitter and Twitpic.

Comment on student health communication blog. Concerned about chronic pattern of incomplete citations and image use with inappropriate attribution. Another blog post I need to do.

9am Meeting with Open Michigan. Eat breakfast. Talk about research projects, data visualization in support of collaboration, partnering on planning courses and outreach, event planning for Google hangouts and more, tools, lightweight app development. Chat about how to communicate to students the issues of attribution and citation in using open resources.

10:30am. Return to office, find and bookmark links discussed in meeting.

10:35am. Pinged via Google chat about a rough draft of a book chapter someone wants me to review.

10:36am. Google hangout to plan TNT meeting agenda, and IE6 piñata bashing event.

10:55am. Out of hangout. Phone to reserve room for next week’s meeting. Send email with room reservation info and meeting notes to team. Pour a cup of coffee from thermos.

11:00am. Conference call about project planning for the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media (MCCSM) team.

11:38am. Amazon technical support called 20 minutes early for a scheduled noon troubleshooting session. Missed call because of MCCSM call.

11:45am. MCCSM call ends. Search links & resources mentioned, open pages to bookmark later. Listen to voicemail from missed call.

12noon. Finish morning coffee, grab a handful of nuts. Check email, receive notice of requests to connect in Facebook and G+ from folks in earlier meetings. Add 20 new UMich folk to G+ circles. Send Flickr pics for TNT blogpost (earlier meeting) to person writing the post.

12:30pm. Pack up mobile devices and cables. The laptop is really hot, so I put it on the fridge while I pack up. Put leftovers from breakfast in fridge for tomorrow, grab a couple oranges, grab the laptop, head for the bus. Kid is off school today, so I’m officially taking a half day off work to ferry him around town for his obligations.

1:30pm. First, drum lesson, where I share relevant Youtube videos with the teacher.

3:00pm. Then bowling, taking along my computer, and spending a few hours grabbing screenshots for blogposts and bookmarking links from the morning’s meetings while I chat with the other parents. Multitasking. Battery dies in laptop the last few minutes, can’t find an outlet at the bowling alley, so shift to creating collections and sorting content on the Kindle.

5:30pm. A break! For various kinds of shopping.

6:30pm. Unpack groceries as fast as I can, trying to get into Second Life (online virtual world) for a 7pm meeting. Heat up kid’s dinner. Grab a leg off the rotisserie chicken I’d bought, and eat a couple oranges. Start boiling the chicken for soup.

7:20pm. Finally ready to head into Second Life, get pinged in Google Chat by a friend in crisis. By the time we’re done chatting it’s too late for my meeting. I check Twitter, then continue working on a draft of the Google Privacy blogpost, multitasking while I try to watch an episode of Grimm in Ubi, while the kid plays a videogame. Try to get a friend to join Ubi so we can watch together.

9:00pm. Oops. Time for bed. Send kiddo off. Start working on my daily blogposts. Write one for Cool Toys on Calibre, and another for my personal 365 photo blog. The pic and text for this post are simultaneously sent to the blog, Momentile, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, and Friendfeed. Darn it. Too late to check Facebook.

10:30pm. This time I remember to plug in my devices to power overnight. I’ve been taking notes for this blogpost in my phone all day, in between other things, so I email the notes to myself to format for a blogpost in the morning.

11:00pm. Bed.

4 responses to “Day in the Life of an Emerging Technologies Librarian 2012 – #libday8

  1. Reblogged this on Kenya Library & Info. Services Consortium Blog and commented:
    I could not let this pass.. I just had to share…


  2. This post made me reflect on what I do on a daily basis. I think I will write my own ‘day in the life’ to see what I actually do all day at work. May help me with organizing/prioritizing the daily tasks. Thanks for the inspiration!


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